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What Is IP Address

Your IP Address (Internet Protocol Address) is how public and private networks can identify you. These IP addresses come in both public and private structures. To find your IP address, you can use this page. 

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What is an IP Address?

You must have an IP address to access any network. Without it, both the private and public networks you use cannot identify you. However, IP addresses do come with a certain level of risk. 

What Information Does an IP Have On Me?

An IP Address contains data about your location. Exposing this information to just anyone isn't enough to do wrong with, but it can supplement other data about you.

Hackers might use this data to steal your credit cards, bank account information, and other important information. Hiding your IP address is the first step necessary to protect your online identity. 

Check out our detailed article if you want to know more about IP addresses. Otherwise, we have a shortlist of definitions below. 

IP Address Terminology Explained

There's a lot of technical jargon behind using IPs. Here's a breakdown of that jargon:

  • IPv6 is a public IP address written in hexadecimal format. It is typically displayed between a series of semicolons, indicating a more extensive set of numbers behind it. (0000:000:000:0000::0000).

  • IPv4 is a private IP address used to identify numbers on your business or home network. It was upgraded to IPv6 after people using the internet outgrew the limited numbers available from the v4 format. You can identify it through three periods (

  • TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol) is a suite of protocols telling devices how to connect on the internet. You can use it on intranet (or Local Area Networks), extranet (restricted access websites), and internet (standard online sites). 

  • Dotted decimals separate the different numbers under IPv4. 

  • A static IP address does not change from session to session. 

  • A static IP address does not change from session to session. 

  • A dynamic IP address changes whenever a device disconnects and reconnects to a local or public network. 

  • CIDR networks (Classless Inter-Domain Routing) break down into A, B, and C networks to help sort through IP addresses. The different letters of networks indicate the first three bits (000 for A, 100 for B, 110 for C)

  • A loopback IP address allows the device to access itself through a subnet mask (typically You can use this to test your network capabilities without installing a NIC.

  • A Network Interface Card (NIC) is used to access network software. It has wireless capability and established both v4 and v6 addresses. Wired connections are through TCP/IP connections.

Public vs. Private Addresses

When checking your IP address, you might notice you receive both addresses. The dual-use comes from the distinction of how private and gigantic networks (like your ISP) identify you. An external computer network is public while your home network is private.

Your private address is suited to your local network. Typically,these private IPs are limited to IPV4, as you likely don’t have enough home devices to take all V4 addresses.

Your public address (IPV6) is generated amongst other people on your shared server that contains the essential data. Even web domains take these public addresses.

How Can You Hide Your Real IP Address?

With hackers, invasive companies, and nosey neighbors all wanting a piece of your internet traffic, it is vital to maintain your online security. The best way you can do this is through a VPN.

A VPN, or Virtual Private Network, hides your server location, establishing a secure connection through a tunnel. It's similar to a proxy server but enhances this security by providing data encryption. 

Through data encryption and location hiding, hackers are unable to trace you. Plus, any connection or traffic logs they could access turn into a mess of unrecognizable data. Download The Fast VPN today to ensure your web data is obscured.

Why The Fast VPN?

Whether you have government agencies or hackers that might steal your information, there are many reasons to use our VPN. With military-grade encryption, your data is 100% secure behind our servers.

Regardless of what country you reside in, The Fast VPN can work for you. Secure your mobile and desktop browsing experience today!

Static vs. Dynamic IPs

IP addresses are generated based on what’s available on the network. However, you can make your network settings stick with a single address, otherwise known as a static IP.

This address is different from a dynamic IP, which changes each time you access the global network. It also prevents conflicts with you and other people on the web you access.

These address types are typically limited to IPV4 addresses, as IPV6 addresses are constantly changing. Plus, you have no control over other IPs.

How Can I Find Out What My IP Address is?

You can find out your IPV6 address at the top of our homepage. You can also find out your current ISP and whether you have a virtual private network (VPN) activated. There are also third-party IPLookup tools.

You can find out your IPV6 address at the top of our homepage. You can also find out your current ISP and wheth For alternate methods of finding your IP, here are some steps:

Finding Your IP on Windows

  • Select Network & Internet under settings
  • Select Wi-Fi or Ethernet (depending on whether you have a wired or wireless selection)
  • Right-click on your connection and choose “properties.”
  • Alternatively, you can type “ipconfig” on your Windows command-line interface. Type “cmd” in your windows search bar, and you will find it.

    Finding Your Address on Mac

  • Open the Apple menu
  • Select System Preferences
  • Double click on the network icon
  • Select Ethernet or Wi-Fi (depending on your connection) and spot the IP in the middle
  • You can also type “ipconfig getifaddr en1 (or en0)” using the Mac terminal. For your public address, use “Curl”

    Finding Your IP on Android and iOS Mobile Devices

    Android devices require the following steps:

  • Open settings
  • Select “status”
  • Scroll into you find network details that include the IP address
  • iPhones and iOS tablets require these steps:

  • Select Wi-Fi
  • Choose the blue “i.”
  • Select DHCP
  • Finding Your Address on Linux

    Typically, ipconfig -a(private) or curl (public) are the go-to for Ubuntu, and Debian-based Linux builds. You can do this using Terminal.

    Using GNOME, you can access this from your settings and select the cog next to your connection.

    How to Change Your IP Address

    SIf you want to change your public IP, reset your internet connection by turning it off and on again. If you have a static IP, you will need to enter a new IP manually.

    The new IP will conflict with any existing address that matches it. So you might have to go through a few options to see what works.

    You might also need to reset your router, as it has its IP address. Having a proxy server (which you can find built into most internet browsers) will also help you mask your IP.

    Here’s an image within Firefox’s browser:

    Conclusion – How To Protect Your IP

    In the quest for internet privacy, it is up to you to be sure you have complete protection. To ensure you can adequately mask your IP from hackers, your government, and any internet provider, you need a VPN.

    The Fast VPN has military-level encryption, ensuring you get a new IP address that protects your internet location.

    Download FastVPN mobile app for iOS Android platforms.

    We care about your privacy.

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